C&K Deception Bay North Community Kindergarten is co-located on the Deception Bay North State School grounds. We currently operate two classes a week and provide universal access to Early Years education to forty-eight children.
We run a Queensland Government Kindergarten Approved Program and received an “Exceeding the Nation
al Quality Standards" in our Department of Education, Training and Employment Audit.
We operate a five day fortnight program for each class and align with school hours as well as school holidays.
Our Early Years philosophy is based on a social and cultural perspective that values the whole individual, their support networks, society, culture and prior knowledge. It is a malleable and holistic philosophy, open to change and development in accordance with the needs of our children and community. Children are independent thinkers, explorers, investigators and enquirers. Their ideas are celebrated and valued and form the basis of our program. This enables children and their community to feel empowered and have a sense of ownership and responsibility over their education.
At C&K Deception Bay North Community Kindergarten we:

- believe that all children should have access to a high quality Early Years education program, free from discrimination and other social and economic barriers.
- believe in an inclusive framework and environment for all families.
- believe children should learn through play, in an aesthetically pleasing, warm and homely environment.
- believe that children are capable learners, thinkers, explorers and inquirers and should learn through a meaningful, respectful, challenging and negotiated curriculum.
- believe in the collaborative and relationship-based process of teaching and the importance of networking and making links (developing relationships) between children, families, staff, and the wider community.
- believe that through consistent critical reflection and professional development the staff and our centre will continue to provide quality early childhood education.
- recognise the past and our connection to the land on which we stand, paying our respects to the traditional owners, the Gubbi Gubbi People and honour this history.